Lab Team

  • Dr. Fallon Goodman


  • Jessica Birg


    Jessica Birg is a 4th-year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis and her master’s degree in clinical psychological research at American University in D.C. She is primarily interested in how one’s view of the self impacts social well-being, including self-presentational and self-concept issues such as social anxiety and identity instability. Her thesis uses EMA methodology to investigate the ways in which social anxiety is associated with momentary authenticity, perceived social threat, and social motivation.

  • Bradley Brown


    Bradley Brown is a second-year Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. He received his B.S. in psychology at George Mason University. Brad’s broad research interests include: protective factors against suicidal thoughts and behavior; interpersonal processes in thCVe development and course of suicidal thoughts and behaviors; individual differences in cognition and emotion that contribute to psychological well-being.

  • Saskia Jorgensen


    Saskia Jorgensen is an incoming Clinical Psychology PhD student at George Washington University. She received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Denver and spent two years as a lab coordinator at Rutgers before coming to GWU. Saskia is generally interested in identifying factors across individual, social, and structural levels that confer risk for psychopathology in LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults, as well as factors that promote well-being in this population. She is particularly interested in the impact of identity-relevant stressors (e.g., targeted discrimination, anti-LGBTQIA+ policy) and identity-relevant protective factors (e.g., feelings of pride, community social support) on mental health outcomes. Saskia is also passionate about broadening the impacts of psychological research through science communication and community engagement efforts.

  • Paddy Loftus


    Paddy Loftus is a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at George Washington University. He received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. Generally, Paddy is interested in socio-emotional (e.g., social network) and geographic (e.g., structural) processes as they pertain to (1) daily anxious and depressive arousal, (2) substance use, and (3) LGBTQ+ social functioning.

  • Ruba Rum


    Ruba Rum completed a dual Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Health Sciences and a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences at the University of South Florida. She has worked as a psychometrist for the USF Neuropsychology clinic for 4 years. Ruba is broadly interested in cognitive biases and emotion regulation as they relate to psychopathology and positive qualities that promote mental health and psychological well-being, with particular attention to outcomes in depression and anxiety.

  • Gabriella Silva


  • Maximilian Wright


    Maximilian Wright is a recent USF graduate with a BA in Psychology. He plans to attend graduate school for Clinical Psychology to pursue a career as a clinician and researcher. His research interests include substance abuse and its interaction with anxiety disorders.

  • Emily Reid


    Emily Reid is an undergraduate Research Assisntant studying Psychological Brain Sciences and Law and Society at George Washington University. She has worked for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and has worked in this lab since September 2022. Emily has an interest in studying depression, anxiety, and suicidality.

  • Melanie DelAngelo


    Melanie DelAngelo is a volunteer Research Assistant at the Goodman Emotion and Resilience Lab while also working full-time as an Intake Coordinator at a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practice. She graduated from Tulane University in December 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Minor in Political Science. Melanie intends to pursue a career in academia and clinical practice and attend graduate school to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.

  • Jingyi Zhu


    Jingyi Zhu is currently a student in the M.A. in Forensic Psychology program at GWU. She earned her B.A. in Psychology and Criminal Justice at GWU. Before coming to the GERL lab, she worked at Pepperdine University, where she helped with a research project on resilience factors for emerging adults within the Chinese Cultural context who had early relational trauma, as a research assistant.

  • Presley Camp


    Presley Camp is a 2023 graduate from the University of South Florida, where she received her B.A. in Psychology with a concentration in Advanced Psychological Research Experience and her B.A. in Criminology. During her time at USF, she gained research experience in two clinical psychology labs, aiding in many different stages of the research process. One of her favorite assignments as a research assistant included conducting interviews with inmates at a local county jail. Her research interests include the impacts of childhood trauma on brain/cognitive development and resilience, as well as their implications in juvenile and adult criminality.

  • Diana Black


    Diana Black is studying neuroscience and psychology at George Washington University. She loves everything related to her studies—but is particularly interested in early traumatic experiences and their subsequent neural and psychological implications.

  • Carsyn Parmelee


    Carsyn Parmelee is an undergraduate student at George Washington University studying Cognitive Neuroscience and Public Health. Carsyn's personal research interests are centered around neuropsychiatric disorders and mental health, especially among pediatric and adolescent populations.

  • Matthew Nielsen


    Matthew is an undergraduate student at George Washington University studying psychology and French. Matthew hopes to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation and eventually go on to study the potential clinical applications of psychedelics.

  • Chase Fredriksen Isaacs


    Chase Fredriksen Isaacs is an undergraduate Research Assistant pursuing a BA in psychology with minors in cross-cultural communication and linguistics at George Washington University. She hopes to pursue a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is committed to focusing an aspect of her research on LGBTQ+ populations and survivors of trauma.

  • Jemimah Boakye-Ansah


    Jemimah Boakye-Ansah is a first-generation college student and majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences at George Washington University. Jemimah is interested in applying social psychology principles and research to pursue a master's degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology after graduation.

  • Shirin Podury


    Shirin is a graduate student pursuing an MA in GWU’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Her research interests are primarily focused on the social effects of cultural and generational trauma in ethnic minorities. She hopes to explore these as a Clinical Psychology PhD student in the near future.

  • Sabrina Yeh


    Sabrina Yeh is a pre-health undergraduate student at George Washington University majoring in Psychological and Brain Sciences with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She is a Posse Scholar on a full-tuition, leadership-based scholarship. With a passion for working with the special needs population, Sabrina hopes to attend graduate school in occupational therapy.

  • Diksha Sriram


    Diksha is an undergraduate student at The George Washington University studying Neuroscience and Psychological and Brain Sciences. Her personal interests include biological and pediatric psychology as well as the manifestation and presentation of mental illness between different sociocultural backgrounds. Specifically, she is interested in early childhood relationships and their effect on development. She hopes to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in the future and learn more about how treatment can be personalized based on individual circumstances.

  • Carina Daniele


    Carina Daniele is pursuing a BS in Psychological and Brain Sciences at George Washington University. After graduation, she hopes to attend PA school. Carina's personal research interests are centered around applying psychology principles to her research on survivors of trauma and mental health, specifically in minors.

Join the lab!

The Goodman Emotion and Resilience Lab motto is Come As You Are. Lab members, visitors, and research participants are invited to bring their authentic selves to our lab, regardless of identity, role in the lab, or scholastic status. To learn more about our lab culture, please see our lab mission and values statement.

Research Assistants: We are always looking for hardworking, thoughtful, and responsible undergraduates or post-graduates. If you are passionate about science and wish to gain more experience, there are opportunities to work in the lab as a volunteer research assistant. Please complete our short application if you are interested in joining.

Graduate Students: Dr. Goodman is recruiting a clinical psychology doctoral student at George Washington University this upcoming application cycle (Fall 2023 recruitment for matriculation in Fall 2024). Please visit the GW Psychology Department website to learn more.